Timeline of the Kurds

Table of contents
1 June 12, 2003
2 April 10, 2003
3 April 6, 2003
4 March 21, 2003
5 March 12, 2003
6 February 25, 2003
7 January 4, 2003

June 12, 2003

April 10, 2003

April 6, 2003

  • In a friendly fire incident, U.S warplanes struck a convoy of allied Kurdish fighters and U.S. Special Forces during a battle in northern Afghanistan. At least 18 people are killed and more than 45 wounded, including senior Kurdish commanders.

March 21, 2003

March 12, 2003

February 25, 2003

  • Both major parties of Kurdistan, an autonomous region in Northern Iraq, vow to fight Turkish troops if they enter Kurdistan to capture Mosul or interfere in Kurdish self-rule. Between them the two parties can mobilize up to 80,000 guerillas - most likely no match for the modern Turkish army, but a severe blow to the unity of U.S. allies on the Northern front expected in the U.S. plan to invade Iraq.

January 4, 2003

  • U.S. plan to invade Iraq: Turkey's Milliyet newspaper published a picture showing tanks at an airstrip that it said was the disused Bamerni air base inside Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq. If this report is true, this may be the first evidence of a NATO military presence in Iraq. [1]