Top-posting is replying to an email message or Usenet post above the original message. This is considered improper by some definitions of Internet etiquette since it breaks down the flow of the thread: the following is considered easier to read:

> > > Top posting is really bad, you know
> > I agree...
> I couldn't care less

rather than

 I couldn't care less
 In response to:
 I agree.
 In response to:
 Top posting is really bad, you know

The preferred means of replying is not to quote the entire previous message and write at the bottom, as the term 'bottom-posting' naively suggests, but to edit away the parts of the previous message not needed to establish context for one's response, and interleave one's replies to each point being addressed:

 > I just saw 'Attack of the Weasel People' last night, and I loved it.

Me too; I think M. Aginary Actor was a perfect choice for the King Weasel.

> The sound quality in the theater was just awful, though.

I always go to the Hell Plaza Octoplex; their technical staff are always on the ball.

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