Tree Warblers
to come
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
H. caligata
H. rama
H. pallida
H. languida
H. olivetorurn
H. opaca
H. polyglotta
H. icterina

Tree warblers are medium-sized birds belonging to the genus Hippolais of the Old World warbler family Sylviidae. They occur in Europe, Africa and western Asia.

These warblers are always associated with trees, though normally in fairly open woodland rather than tight plantations. They are quite clumsy in their movements.

These are plump strong-looking birds with long bills, strong feet and long wing. Most are unstreaked greenish or brownish above and cream or white below. They are insectivorous, but will occasionally take berries or seeds.

Species breeding in temperate regions are usually strongly migratory.

The species are: