Republican Victor George Atiyeh (February 20, 1923) was elected governor of Oregon in 1978 after unsuccesfully running against Robert W. Straub four years earlier. Atiyeh served eight years as governor from 1979 through 1987. He won his second term against current governor Ted Kulongoski by the largest margin in 32 years, winning 61.6 percent of the vote.

He was born in Portland, Oregon.

He worked in the rug and carpet busines, Atiyeh Brothers, established by his father at the turn of the twentieth century.

Atiyeh served as a member of the Oregon House of Representatives from 1959-1964 and as a state senator 1965-1978.

When state residents began losing food stamp benefits in 1979, Atiyeh was instrumental in establishing Oregon Food Share, the nation's first statewide food bank.