Sir William Dobbie, during World War II, was a Lieutenant General, of the British Army, who served as the military governor of Malta. Dobbie was a member of the Protestant Plymouth Brethren and was a veteran of the Boer War and World War I. He was also the former Commandant of the British School of Military Engineering. He has been criticized for his religious approach to leadership and for what critics argue to have been an unacceptable delay in the creation of bomb shelters; as well as in implementing efficient food-rationing and creating an effective civil-defense system.


  • Prime Minister Churchill
    • "[Dobbie is] a Governor of outstanding character who inspired all ranks and classes, military and civil, with his...determination...a soldier and religious zeal...recalled memories of General Gordon and...the Ironsides and Convenanters."
  • Lord Mountbatten
    • "[Dobbie] prays aloud after dinner, invoking the aid of God in destroying our enemies. This is highly approved of by the Maltese, who have the same idea about God, but I would prefer an efficient Air Force here."
  • Mabel Strickland
    • "At San Anton, every night about seven, everyone would be summoned for prayer...Dobbie would stand...and...pray...and....ask the Almighty to bless the convoy...but he never prayed to stop the bombing...that was God's will...God helps those that help themselves..."