
Yari (槍) is the Japanese term for spear, or more specifically, the straight spear. Yari measured anywhere from one meter to upwards of five meters. The longer versions were called nagae-yari while shorter ones were known as mochi- or tae-yari. The longest versions were carried by foot troops, while the samurai carried the shorter versions.

Yari were characterized by a straight blade that could be anywhere from a foot long, to a meter and a half long. The blades were made of the same high-quality steel that the swords and arrow-heads of samurai weapons were forged with, and yari blades were very durable. The shafts were made of wood, with metal rings spaced along the shaft to strengthen the spear during combat.

Yari were more commonly used by samurai than were swords, and foot troops (ashigaru) used them extensively as well. While it has not received the same recognition as has the katana, the spear was an invaluable weapon of war.