Ying Fu Su

Ying Fu Su (嬴扶蘇) (died 210 BC) was the first son of the First Emperor of China, Ying Zheng (Qin Shi Huangdi), and hence the heir by tradition.

However, after the secret death of Ying Zheng, his brother Ying Huhai, together with two high officials Zhao Gao and Li Shi, forged Ying Zheng's decree to rename Ying Huhai as the successor and order Ying Fu Su to commit suicide. Some aides of Ying Fu Su had doubt about the decree, but he did not believe someone dare to forge a decree and he committed suicide.

He had a son Ying Ziying who was made king of Qin after Zhao Gao forced Ying Huhai to commit suicide later in 207 BC. At that time Li Shi was already eliminated by Zhao Gao. Ying Ziying soon killed Zhao Gao.