Fourteen (14) is the natural number following thirteen and preceding fifteen.

Fourteen is a composite number, its proper divisors being 1, 2 and 7.

In base fifteen and higher bases (such as hexadecimal), fourteen is represented as E.

This number is the lowest even n for which the equation φ(x) = n has no solution (see Euler's totient function.

Fourteen is also:

  • The atomic number of silicon.
  • The number of days in a fortnight.
  • In traditional British units of weight, the number of pounds in a stone.
  • A number 'encoded' in a lot of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach may have considered this number a sort of signature, since given A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc., then B + A + C + H = 14 and J + S + B + A + C + H = 41.
  • The number of points outlines by president Woodrow Wilson for reconstructing a new Europe following World War I, see Fourteen Points.
  • Among neo-Nazis to signify the "14 words", "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children", attributed to David Lane.
  • An unlucky number in China because it is homonymous with ???? which means "must die".
  • The number of legs on a pillbug, as well as on Hallucigenia.

See also: twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, integer, list of numbers.

This article is about the number. For the year AD 14, see 14.