Kishar is the begotten of Lahmu and Lahamu. He was disliked by the gods and made his abode in the Earth. The Earth in which Kishar made his abode is not to be confused with our planet, but rather, with that quarter of the zodiac that is associated with the earth element, namely Pisces, Aries, and Taurus who rules them. Tiamat, alone of all the gods, was fond of Kishar and taught him the secrets of blood. He shared his blood with the animals and built a great city. Kishar killed his brother, Anshar, which signified the end of the Age of Leo (Anshar), which age incorporated those of Cancer and Gemini as well. Anshar ruled as the Summer King in that era of the Golden Age of the gods. When Kishar killed his brother, Anshar, this signaled the dawning of the Age of Taurus and the corresponding dawn of the Cosmic Fall. Thus he was loved by Tiamat, whose nature is that of winter, cold, and death. As we all know, fall must occur before winter arrives.