Gengar (#94) - Onix - Drowzee (#96)

Name (japanese), NumberOnix (Iwake), 95
Evolves from(none)
Evolves toSteelix
Hit points35
Special attack²30
Special defense²45
SpeciesRock Snake Pokémon
TypesRock, Ground
Height28'10" (8.79 m)
Weight463.0 lb (208.35 kg)
Gender distribution50.0% male, 50.0% female
¹ Stats for trading card versions may vary.
² Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal
³ Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow

Onix (Iwake in Japanese) is a rock-type Pokémon. Onix looks like a snake made of mineral segments that are very hard. Onix is Pokémon #95 and is Rock and Ground type. In Pokémon Yellow/Red/Blue, it does not evolve into anything but will grow stronger with experience. In Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal, Onix evolves to Steelix when traded with Metal Coat attached. In the Pokémon cartoon Brock has an Onix that he and Ash and Misty can use to climb like a ladder.

Name Origin

Onix comes from the name of the semi-precious gemstone onyx.

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