Senegal River, in West Africa, forms the border between Senegal and Mauritania.

It is formed by the confluence of the Semefé and Bafing rivers. Both have their source in Guinea; the Bafing River flows through Mali, and the Semefé is on the Malinese-Senegalese border.

Approaching its mouth, the Senegal passes through Biffeche and the island on which the city of Saint-Louis, Senegal is located, then turns south. It is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a thin strip of sand called the Langue de Barbarie before it pours into the ocean itself. The river has two large dams along its course, the Manantali Dam in Mali, and the Maka-Diama dam on the Mauritania-Senegal border, near the outlet to the sea.

The Senegal River has a drainage basin of 483,181 km2 and an estimated annual discharge of 8 million km3. Important tributaries are the Faleme River, Karakoro River, and the Gorgol River.