Topiramate' (brand name: Topamax®) is a drug that is used to treat epilepsy in both children and adults. It has also been used by psychiatrists to treat bipolar disorder. In addition, it is sometimes prescribed for treatment of cluster migraines. It is produced by Ortho-McNeil pharmaceutical.

Side effects

Feeling of pins and needles in the head and extremities, or feelings of electrical shock; grogginess; lethargy; impairment of fine motor skills; vision abnormality; weight loss; breast pain; abdominal pain; menstrual disorder; taste changes; pharyngitis; sinusitis; diplopia; rash; leukopenia; fatigue; dizziness; insomnia; anxiety; depression; parasthesia; diarrhea; nausea; dyspepsia; constipation; dry-mouth; dysmenorrhea.

It has recently been reported that risk of decreased sweating and hyperthermia have been discovered in postmarketing research. These harmful side effects will be included on the drug's warning label in the future. Children are the most likely to experience these effects.

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