United Airlines Flight 175 was a morning flight that flew from Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California (BOS-LAX) route. The airplane on the flight was hijacked and crashed in New York City on September 11, 2001.

On September 11, 2001, the Boeing 767-222 on the route, N612UA, was one of two planes hijacked and driven into the World Trade Center. The other was American Airlines Flight 11.

On or about 9:03 AM EDT Flight 175 was crashed into the south side of the southern tower of the World Trade Center, approximately between floors 78 and 84, exploding on impact. The pilot at the time is believed to have been Marwan Alshehhi. The plane was carrying 56 passengers (including the 5 hijackers) and 9 crew members. There were no survivors.

The image of the crash was caught by live TV and was broadcast around the world. It was continually replayed in news broadcasts over the next few days, and remains one of the most horrifying and unforgettable images of that day.

The flight route designation, for future flights on the same route, was later changed from Flight 175 to Flight 1525 out of respect for those who died in the attack.

See Also

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