Unregistered Baptist Fellowship (UBF) - an unincorporated fellowship of Baptist pastors, evangelists, missionaries and laymen, dedicated to personal and ecclesiastical separation; a part of the fundamental Independent Baptist movement. This Fellowship stresses its adherence to the fundamentals of the faith and historic Baptist doctrines. The use of only the King James Version of the Bible as the Word of God is standard. A chief emphasis is on religious liberty and church/state issues.

The UBF maintains only a minimum in organization, encouraging state and regional meetings, as well as holding an annual meeting. The 19th annual conference will be held in October 2003 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Fellowship has no officers, mission board nor headquarters, and owns no property. Each meeting is directed under the authority of the host church, with the host pastor serving as moderator, and having the responsibility for inviting speakers. The Trumpet is published bi-monthly in the interest of the Unregistered Baptist Fellowship by the Indianapolis Baptist Temple of Indianapolis.

Prominent pastors in the Fellowship include Greg A. Dixon, Greg J. Dixon, and W. N. Otwell.

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