A Wookiee is a fictional race of hairy bipeds in the Star Wars universe.

Wookiee homeworld and natural habitat is a forest world called Kashyyyk (though some sources do contend that they are immigrants to this planet). Kashyyyk is covered with massive Wroshyr trees (carnivorous flora), in which the Wookiees construct their homes. Reportedly, Wookiees are descended from tree-climbing mammalians.

Adult Wookiees are tall, in excess of two meters in height, and are covered with a uniform, mid-length coat of thick hair. Young Wookiees are large at birth (averaging slightly less than one meter). Wookiees possess retractable claws. Female Wookiees have six breasts. Female Wookiees give birth to "live-born" litters and thier gestation period is nearly a year long. Reportedly, Wookiees have a strong bond with the Force. The average lifespan of Woolkies are around 600 years. Although they resemble the terrestrial Sasquatch, they are intelligent, have a varied culture, and are starfaring.

Though Wookiees possess a fierce style of fighting, the entire race was enslaved by the Empire (then Alliance later released them from thier bondage). The most famous Wookiee is Chewbacca, a companion to Han Solo, who was killed while trying to save Solo's son, Anakin Solo, from a villain in the post-Empire novel Vector Prime by R.A. Salvatore. His nephew, Lowbacca, plays an important role in the Young Jedi series of novels.
